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The Montessori Kindergarten

Kampala Montessori School Providing full day & half day programs for children 3 to 6 years of age.

Kampala-Montessori-7090250 Kampala-Montessori-7421613 Kampala-Montessori-7866322 09-Maria-Montessori-with-Children_0_0_0_0 Kampala-Montessori-8010131 Kampala-Montessori-9597045 Kampala-Montessori-DSC01363

Dish washing develops concentration, coordination, sense of order, independence and responsibility. Taking care of oneself and the environment are part of the "activities of practical life" and help the children to live together in community as well.

Our first child at KMS is doing the "Practical Life" exercise of "Spooning" to develop concentration, coordination, a sense of order and independence.The exercises of "Practical Life" or "Activities of Daily Living" lay the foundation for later academic learning.

The "Practical Life" exercises of "Grace and Courtesy" help the child to make friends and develop cooperation and social skills

The Montessori "Pink Tower" is one of the "Sensorial" materials. These materials help to give order to various impressions of the five senses. The Pink Tower teaches the abstract concepts of "large and small", " large, larger, largest" and "small, smaller, smallest".

Walking the red rod maze develops balance and coordination. The initial presentation of this sensorial material is arranged in stair formation to show and feel the concepts of "long" and "short".

Children learn to match pairs of color tablets and then learn color shading. This develops visual discrimination and the chromatic sense.